Check-in Info

Check-In info 

Time: Begins Friday April 20th: 2pm EST until 9:30 pm
Saturday April 21st8:30am till 2pm

If you have a coach or athlete that is arriving late we will be able to check them in on site.
Player Check-In MANDATORY
All players will be required to provide proof of housing before they will be allowed into the event. This process will go MUCH FASTER if your players have these forms filled out BEFORE they arrive. We will then cross check the reservation numbers and then players will receive credentials. We have attached a blank form for you to distribute to your players. We ask for this information because of our size. The City of Louisville requires conventions to track their room nights. We will not share any information gathered during this process. We will be able to represent accurately the economic impact of The Classic to the Convention and Visitors Bureau. Players who arrive without forms should expect to wait in line.
Coach Check-In MANDATORY
You will be asked to provide Photo ID
We will go over your NCAA BBCS roster that you submitted to the NCAA.
You will sign a waiver acknowledging that you have and will abide by all NCAA rules and regulations. We have included that form here it will save you time to have it completed.
 We ask for this information because of our size. The City of Louisville requires conventions to track their room nights. We will not share any information gathered during this process. We will be able to represent accurately the economic impact of The Classic to the Convention and Visitors Bureau.    


For any questions please contact:
Sarah Insell